Updated 9/22/20
Norwalk Area Member and Non-Member Businesses Contact the chamber office if you need help finding a resource or have questions. We are here to serve you.

CDC Guideline Updates:

Federal Small Business Resources: One simple page that links to all available assistance.

TESTING RESOURCES: Governor Reynolds has launched the Test Iowa Initiative to expand testing capacity to limit the spread of COVID-19 in Iowa.

- A handy resource from the US Senate Committee for Small Business - EXCELLENT RESOURCE

SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan and Advance

  • SBA has a new, streamlined online loan application with no filing requirement to provide tax returns, financial statements, etc. – one application that includes the EIDL loan and an EIDL Advance.
  • To apply online for an EIDL loan go to
  • Small businesses may request an Advance of $1,000 per employee, up to $10,000.
  • The EIDL Advance does not have to be repaid.
  • There is no cost to apply and no obligation to accept an approved loan.
  • A local Small Business Development Center counselor may be able to help – to find one, visit:

SBA’s Customer Service Center

  • To check the status of your loan application or Advance, call SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 or email
  • SBA is presently processing millions of loan applications – there may be delays at our Customer Service Center – please be patient, don’t give up – keep trying to get through.
  • Note: My office cannot check your loan status or help with questions about completing the application – please contact SBA’s Customer Service Center.

Paycheck Protection Program

Rural Resource Guide
USDA and its Federal partners have programs that can be used to provide immediate and long-term assistance to rural communities affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

PREPARE FOR POTENTIAL RISK - from  Greater Des Moines Partnership 

As we prepare for this potential risk, business owners and leaders can plan accordingly. Here are several resources to help ensure your business is ready before, during and after disasters strikes.


Iowa Economic Development Business Recovery

Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH)

IDPH has a wide range of topics and resources available to the public. This includes things like webinars to prepare your Iowa business during this time, press releases from the governor’s office and other government agencies, info on the food industry and current business guidelines, social distancing, and more.

Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) - 
disaster recovery resources
IEDA has collected multiple resources available from their partners across the state - including assistance for employers/employees affected by layoffs, access to disaster loan programs through multiple chambers of commerce, and more! 

Targeted Small Business Sole Operator Fund - apply here
A fund has been created to support TSBs with zero employees that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Review the requirements, eligibility guidelines and complete an application here.
The Targeted Small Business (TSB) program is designed to help women, individuals with minority status, service-connected disabled veterans and individuals with disabilities overcome some of the hurdles to start or grow a small business in Iowa.

Iowa Small Business Relief Grant & Tax Deferral Program
This system is overloaded due to a high volume of logins. Please review the questions list to prepare your info beforehand so you can be ready when you are able to access the site. 
Small Business Administration (SBA) Handy Guide to filling out the ELA Application from US Chamber
Today Governor Kim Reynolds announced that the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has issued a disaster declaration that allows pandemic-impacted small businesses to apply for low-interest support loans.

Who qualifies: Small businesses (500 or fewer employees), private nonprofit organizations of any size, small agricultural cooperatives and small aquaculture enterprises that were established by Jan. 31, 2020 and have been financially impacted as a direct result of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). This assistance is available only to small businesses when SBA determines they are unable to obtain credit elsewhere.

Where to apply:, select apply online and then register if this is your first login. You must submit the completed loan application and a signed and dated IRS Form 4506-T giving permission for the IRS to provide SBA your tax return information. 

How much is available? Loans offer up to $2 million in assistance (per business) and can be used to pay fixed debt, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact.

Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) - 
The IWD shares a variety of information regarding an unemployment insurance benefit overview for your workers, answers for questions regarding unemployment insurance benefits, and webinars that go into detail about those benefits as well.
The Voluntary Shared Work (VSW) program may be a viable option for employers dealing with challenges from COVID-19. The program is intended for use as an alternative to layoffs and can be an effective tool for Iowa businesses experiencing a temporary decline in regular business activity. Approved VSW plans may be valid for up to one year from the plan’s starting date. Learn more about how you can integrate VSW into your workforce.

Iowa State University Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS) - 
The CIRAS shares quite a few links regarding protecting your business in general, but goes into great detail when talking about protecting your supply chain. 

Iowa State Bar Association (BAR) - 
The BAR has a range of information within the legal side of things, including an interesting article from the Harvard Business Review explaining your legal obligations as an employer during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Iowa Association of Business and Industry (ABI) - 
The ABI provides a list of resources that are available for employers to provide information and track the disease. One resource they list in particular, is through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, where you can learn about what businesses are doing to assist businesses / individuals at this time. Some examples include donated medical supplies, grants, free shipping/items, etc.

This deferment allows those who owe a payment to the IRS to defer the payment until July 15 without interest or penalties. Check guidelines here.


To stay informed on the coronavirus and other illnesses, please feel free to utilize reliable sources such as:


Efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and influenza will help keep our region healthy. Here are a few ways you can help:

  • Practice social distancing. Stay at least 6 feet from others. 
  • Use a homemade mask to cover your nose and mouth when visiting public places.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow or a tissue, and then wash your hands immediately afterwards.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces with bleach or Clorox wipes, including your keyboard, computer mouse and phone.

It is recommended that Iowans self-isolate for 14 days in the following situations:

  • If you have been on an international cruise in the last 14 days.
  • If you have traveled internationally in the last 14 days to a country with a Level 3 Travel Warning in place.
  • If you live with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive for COVID-19.

Thank you for your efforts in helping keep our community healthy. 

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