Updated 5/14/20
DSM Forward - Industry Specific
DSM Forward is a compilation of playbooks devoted to helping businesses and industries prepare for next steps related to economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. DSM Forward includes industry-specific playbooks with assessments and recommendations — leveraging international, national, state and local sources, and following federal, state and local public health official recommendations — to help guide businesses and organizations as they determine pathways toward the future in an everchanging landscape. HERE
Small Business Best Practices - Iowa Retail Initiative
Business is not as usual for all small businesses during this pandemic time. Now is the time to get creative and learn great ways to connect with customers through some best practices you can implement in your own business or in your communities.
COVID-19 CUSTOMIZABLE FLYER - from US Chamber of Commerce website - link here
Help share the “Five Commitments of Containment”
Place Social Distancing Protocol signs at each public entrance of the facility or work site to inform all employees and customers that they should:
Measures To Protect Employee Health
Distribute Health Measures Protocol to all employees including:
Measures To Keep People At Least Six Feet Apart
Measures To Prevent Crowds From Gathering
Measures To Increase Sanitization
Hand sanitizer, soap and water, or effective disinfectant is available to the public and employees at or near the entrance of the facility or work site, at checkout counters, workstations, and anywhere else where people have direct interactions. Location(s) include:
Measures To Prevent Unnecessary Contact
Contactless payment systems have been provided or, if not feasible, payment systems are sanitized regularly.
Measures To Reduce Exposures in Employee Transportation
Thank you for your efforts in helping keep our Norwalk area community healthy.
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