When I was growing up, my parents owned an Amish furniture store in a small Iowa town. For a short
time, our family lived in the apartment above the shop, which meant my younger sister and I literally
grew up in that furniture store.
On weekends, we would help my parents by answering the phone, bagging gift items, dusting
and vacuuming the showroom, and I remember learning how to count back change to customers with
the utmost patience. I loved helping my mom stage the window displays, and to this day hearing Nat
King Cole puts me right back in that furniture shop as a young girl. You could say my fondness for small
businesses stems from my upbringing. I appreciate the hard work and sacrifice (the kind that sometimes
means raising your family in a cramped apartment above your business) that goes into building the
American dream.
Despite being a child of small business owners, my only connection to a chamber of commerce was
a memory from attending a holiday cookie walk hosted by the chamber of that small town. I’ve always
known they were tied to business (everyone knows that much, right?) but until last year I had no idea
how deep the roots of chambers run in each community. The mission of the Norwalk Area Chamber of
Commerce is to promote, connect, and grow member organizations while working to enhance the
quality of life and economic development in the Norwalk area. How do we do that? It comes down to
two priorities:
1. Support Local Businesses through...
...Visibility and Promotion (Did you know that when consumers know that a business is a
member of their local chamber, they are 80% more likely to purchase goods or services from
...Networking opportunities like membership lunches, events, socials, and committees
...Resources and information like advertising opportunities, roundtable discussions, and
professional development
...Advocacy at the local, state, and national level
2. Support Local Community through...
...Events like the 4th of July parade and Party in the Park, RUNorwalk, and Music Fest
...Philanthropic initiatives like our annual food drive for the food pantry, luncheon for new
teachers, and scholarship program
...Public Relations
...Community Development
In short, the chamber is an invaluable asset for local businesses and I am thankful to have the
opportunity to carry out many of the chamber’s priorities on a daily basis. I love connecting our
members to resources, making introductions, sharing information, and promoting our business
community in any way I can. I deeply respect our business owners and chamber members and thank my
parents for instilling in me the appreciation for the world of commerce through watching them own a
small business. It’s led me here, loving what I do!
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ADDRES: 1043 Sunset Dr, Ste 4
P.O. Box 173 Norwalk, Iowa 50211
© 2012-2025 Norwalk Chamber of Commerce - Norwalk Iowa
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